Sunday, April 29, 2007

Odessa - Burris Ditch to Sand Run

Weather and work have kept the Red Kayak docked this past week but my trip today was worth the wait.

Today's adventure was on Odessa Wildlife Management Area. I put in at the Burris Ditch ramp then paddled to the Sand Run Access and back. This time I brought my map (in its high-tech waterproof gallon-size zip lock) and was glad I did. While I didn't exactly get lost, let's say I explored a few extra places along the way.

The weather was gorgeous and the trees are bursting into full foliage. The usual birds were out and about: wood ducks, geese, coots, blue-winged teal, turkey vultures, gulls, wood peckers, tree swallows and bald eagles.

The highlight of the trip was definitely the bald eagle nest. It's easily visible from the water, but hopefully far enough off not to be disturbed. I didn't have binoculars (still being a novice kayaker, I don't take along much extra gear) but I could clearly see the white head of one of the parents above the top of the massive nest. The adults weren't flying around so they must be faithfully tending eggs or eaglets.

A few more motor boats were out on this beautiful Sunday afternoon for pleasure and fishing but I saw less than a dozen.

The round-trip journey took just under three hours (about 8.5 miles). I highly recommend this route - it's pretty easy to find your way with a map in hand and you get to see both backwaters and bit of the more open water.

Actually, I just recommend that you get outside and enjoy spring.