I was on Port Louisa NWR floating in the quiet, shallow water and trying to sneak up on a heron. I also had my eye on a brood of ducks ahead and was prepared to inch my way along until the birds were spooked. (I got pretty close to the heron as this picture shows - and its not because I have a big lens).
All of a sudden the heron squawked and took off; the ducklings scattered and I heard voices. In a few minutes a canoe appeared around the bend. I was thrilled for two reasons: I had some fellow paddlers to visit with and it meant I would be able to get through to Shafer's access. (The water is pretty low right now, so I wasn't sure it could be done.)
It was really nice to meet new folks who have discovered the beauty of this place. They too have mixed feelings about introducing others to the place. We'd kind of like to keep the peace and quiet to ourselves. On the other hand, it's seems wrong not to share it.
What I saw today: wood ducks, herons, cormorants, egrets, turtles, eagle, vultures, carp, lots and lots and lots of pelicans.